Product case

ChobiGhana Fertilizer Products

Chobi Ghana limited has obtained the necessary registration certificates and is licensed to trade the following products;

Natural Organic

ChobiGhana Fumigants

Chobi Ghana limited has obtained the necessary registration certificates and is licensed to trade the following products;


Upcoming Products

Animal Foods

  • Soya bean meal
  • yellow corn

Spraying Machines

  • Knapsack Sprayer
  • Mist Blower

Industrial Chemicals

  • Hydrated Lime


  • Glyphosphate 480SL
  • Paraquate 270p/L
  • Glufosinate Ammonium
  • 2,4-DAMIN SALT 720g/L

Contact Us

<p>Please find below our office location and contacts details.</p>

YB Agostino Neto Road, Airport Residential Area, Accra, Ghana.

020 459 8966/055 944 0221

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